The Trinity United Church of Christ has over 8,500 members, and all these members are engaged in some of the other forms of activities that are handled by various ministries of the church.
There are over 70 ministries that are actively participating in bringing up multiple activities that help the people around the country by making their lives a little simpler.
These ministries have activities for all types of people from all age groups.

The Ministry Of Arts
One of the most acknowledged ministries at the Trinity United Church of Christ is the ministry of Arts. The ministry handled by Rev. Neichelle Guidry. The ministry makes sure to provide enough guidance to all the artists and help them polish their artwork. The ministry organizes various workshops, coaching classes, activities and events for the talented members to learn and showcase their art.
The members of the church who are professional artists can also volunteer to teach the others what they know. The Ministry of Arts also focuses on the art form created through the African American culture and how it can be turned into something beautiful. The ministry of arts also organizes various art shows for the artists to showcase their talents and for the people know about the African American art forms through these artists.

The Annual Harlem Fine Arts Show Exhibit
The Harlem Fine Arts exhibits are one of the most anticipated exhibits of all time and this year it is taking place at the Trinity United Church for Christ. There are numerous events planned to take place in this exhibition that will continue for three days.
- The Date: The Annual Harlem Fine Arts Exhibit is supposed to take place from 16th of November until 19th of November 2017. The date for the free preview Exhibition will be 10th November 2017.
- The Venue: The exhibit will take place at the New Malcolm X College. However, there is also a preview of the Exhibition that will take place at the church.
- What To Expect: At the free exhibition taking place at the Trinity United Church for Christ, the people can view the work of two of the participating artists. They will also be given refreshments that they can enjoy. There is no fee for this exhibit since this is a pre-show. The show is honoring the African tradition through the artwork.
- The Timings: The timings of the show is from 6 pm to 8.30 pm. All the people can attend the show for free.
However, if you want to attend the full show or are interested in buying the artwork, you can visit the three-day event and pre-book the tickets to it from their websites. The main event is not free, and there is only limited number of seats available for the attendees.