Category: Events

Annual Harlem Fine Arts Show Exhibit At TUCC

Annual Harlem Fine Arts Show Exhibit At TUCC

The Trinity United Church of Christ has over 8,500 members, and all these members are engaged in some of the other forms of activities that are handled by various ministries of the church.

There are over 70 ministries that are actively participating in bringing up multiple activities that help the people around the country by making their lives a little simpler.

These ministries have activities for all types of people from all age groups.

Rev. Neichelle Guidry.

The Ministry Of Arts

One of the most acknowledged ministries at the Trinity United Church of Christ is the ministry of Arts. The ministry handled by Rev. Neichelle Guidry. The ministry makes sure to provide enough guidance to all the artists and help them polish their artwork. The ministry organizes various workshops, coaching classes, activities and events for the talented members to learn and showcase their art.

The members of the church who are professional artists can also volunteer to teach the others what they know. The Ministry of Arts also focuses on the art form created through the African American culture and how it can be turned into something beautiful. The ministry of arts also organizes various art shows for the artists to showcase their talents and for the people know about the African American art forms through these artists.

Harlem Fine Arts Show

The Annual Harlem Fine Arts Show Exhibit

The Harlem Fine Arts exhibits are one of the most anticipated exhibits of all time and this year it is taking place at the Trinity United Church for Christ. There are numerous events planned to take place in this exhibition that will continue for three days.

  • The Date: The Annual Harlem Fine Arts Exhibit is supposed to take place from 16th of November until 19th of November 2017. The date for the free preview Exhibition will be 10th November 2017.
  • The Venue: The exhibit will take place at the New Malcolm X College. However, there is also a preview of the Exhibition that will take place at the church.
  • What To Expect: At the free exhibition taking place at the Trinity United Church for Christ, the people can view the work of two of the participating artists. They will also be given refreshments that they can enjoy. There is no fee for this exhibit since this is a pre-show. The show is honoring the African tradition through the artwork.
  • The Timings: The timings of the show is from 6 pm to 8.30 pm. All the people can attend the show for free.

However, if you want to attend the full show or are interested in buying the artwork, you can visit the three-day event and pre-book the tickets to it from their websites. The main event is not free, and there is only limited number of seats available for the attendees.

The show will be honoring the African American Medical Practitioners and the culture. Three artists will be showing their artwork on the main show.

TUCC Restoring The Village Scouting Program

TUCC Restoring The Village Scouting Program

The TUCC aka. The Trinity United Church of Christ works for the welfare of the underprivileged through various programs that they have to offer. They engage the members of all the ages from small kids to the adults and the elderly in multiple programs that can help the people in need in some way or the other. They have various ministries that handle all these programs.

One such program that the Trinity United Church of Christ organizes is the boy scouts. The boy scouts are the activity in which the young boys aged 6 to 17 is encouraged to explore the wonders of the world through scouting.

These kids are trained to build and survive through the harsh woods with the help of night camps. They are taught various skills and ethics to make them into better persons. They are taken on multiple expeditions that help the people who are desperately in need. Anyone can join the boy’s scouts at the Trinity United Church for Christ and can experience all this. There are trained leaders to help the children go through this process. The leaders need to complete their training and have a certificate before leading any Boy Scout group.

These volunteers then help the people in the villages to build new buildings or restore the broken ones.

The Restoring The Village Program

Restoring the village program is organized by the Trinity United Church of Christ where the volunteers visit the villages and help the people rebuild broken buildings, roads and other places that have been damaged. The people in the poor villages do not have enough funding to pay for the restoration of the most important buildings like their houses, toilets, roads, etc.

The volunteers from the Trinity Church of Christ send their volunteers that are experienced in restoration and want to provide a hand in helping these people to the villages. These volunteers then help the people in the villages to build new buildings or restore the broken ones. This cuts the labor charges for the villagers, and they can easily afford to live in better conditions due to this initiative.

Restoring the village scouting program involves the boy scouts.

Restoring The Village Scouting Program

Restoring the village scouting program involves the boy scouts. The boy scouts under the guidance of experienced volunteers are sent to the villages by the Trinity United Church of Christ, and they help the villagers restore their damaged structures. The restoring the village scouting program involves all the members of the boy’s scouts from the age 6 to 17.

However, the once that are chosen to go to the site are only the teens. Random volunteers that have the certificate of leadership visit the villages with these kids to teach them how to work. This program is a great way to teach the children some core values like compassion and kindness. The quality to help others is being put in these children at a very small age, and this will become a habit as they grow older.

The Restoring The Village Scouting Program Training Session

The Trinity United Church of Christ is organizing the training session for the restoring the village scouting program to teach the boy scouts about the basics of working in a village. All the volunteers are invited to participate in this initiative. The training session is scheduled for the November 7th, 2017 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Rev. Michael D. Jacobs is handling the program.

This is a great initiative that has been taken up by the Trinity United Church for Christ to teach the children proper values from the childhood and also to help the poor villagers with their needs. More information is available on the website of the church.

Sanctuary Choir 40th Anniversary Concert

Sanctuary Choir 40th Anniversary Concert

The Trinity United Church of Christ, Chicago is one of the most prominent churches in the USA. They are an African American church that has about 8,500 members from all walks of life. It is affiliated with the United Church of Christ and was initially developed during the American Civil Rights movement. The church’s primary motive is to support the African-American Christian community and help them evolve into great individuals. Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III is the pastor of the church and is one of the most influential people in the USA. His teachings are followed by a lot of people in the world, and he has influenced a huge number of black youth with his work and teachings.

His teachings are followed by a lot of people in the world, and he has influenced a huge number of black youth with his work and teachings.

The Trinity United Church of Christ is famous for organizing lots of activities for its members to serve the people in need and also to bring out the talents of the members of the church. One such activity is the Sanctuary Choir. This is the choir group of the Trinity United Church of Christ and is considered the best in the whole country. Anyone with the ability to sing can be a part of the choir.

The choir is famous for composition and development of some of the most famous tracks of all times. These are all hymns, and the church keeps releasing the albums with these soundtracks for the people all over the world. There are many people from all around the world that come to see the choir perform live at the church on various occasions. In addition to the choir, the musicians at the church are also incredibly talented. You can look for the videos of the choir performing on the internet and thousands of search terms will emerge.

The Sanctuary Choir was established in the year 1977 and has grown to be the best in these 40 years. The Trinity United Church of Christ is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Sanctuary Choir at the church.

The Celebration

The Celebration

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Sanctuary Choir, the TUCC is organizing a massive concert. The entry to the concert is free of cost, and all the interested people can attend it at the Trinity United Church of Christ, Chicago.


The concert will involve the present Sanctuary choir singing some of their most famous songs for the people. Additionally, all the members that have been a part of the Sanctuary Choir ever since 1977 are invited to participate in the program and be a part of the Sanctuary Reunion Choir. There are numerous talented singers that have been the part of the choir in the past and this massive celebration will be a chance for the people to see them perform again.

The timings for the rehearsals are 7 P.M.

The Dates

The concert rehearsals will take place on November 30th, Thursday; December 7th and December 14th, Saturday; and December 2nd, Saturday. The timings for the rehearsals are 7 P.M.

The main concert will take place on the 16th of December 2017 from 4:00 pm onwards.

The Entry

The entry to the concert is free of cost, and anyone can attend it without an invitation. You can dress as you like and people of all kinds are welcomed in the church.

The Venue

The venue for the concert is the Trinity United Church of Christ, 400 W 95th St, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

So, save the date and do not forget to attend the concert LOOK WHERE GOD HAS BROUGHT US by the Sanctuary Choir and the Sanctuary Reunion Choir on the 16th with your friends and family. This will be your only chance to see all the members performing together on one stage.